Friday, March 13, 2009

Things That Should Never, Ever Be Overheard In An Office: Vol. 1

Not only would she talk baby talk all day on the phone to her husband,
but I overheard her saying, "Ohh, is my baby-waby wearing his leathwer
chaps today?"

I still conjure up that image when I need to diet.


Jacob said...

Oh, man. That one is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's a cowboy. Or owns a Harley dealership. Or just likes the feel.

Still doesn't excuse the baby talk.

JMS said...

Oh ouch! And how old was this woman?

I guess at least she was talking to a person and not a little pink fluffy poodle!

Jennifer @ Random Ramblings

Anonymous said...

Those conversations always made me wonder what he was saying on the other end. Also, I love the helpful photo of leather chaps. :)

Julie said...

Baby talk at work should definitely be outlawed.