Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Does 'Mentally Handicapped' Count?

When I taught band in South Dakota, the elementary music teacher in my district was by far the laziest person I had ever met or have met since then. There were many examples of this in his classroom. However, the worst of it was every year at the state music convention.  Of course, he never attended any of the sessions; mostly he just went so that he wouldn't have to teach that day. 
The conference was always in February, and most years it was during a bitterly cold stretch of winter in South Dakota.  My coworker would always borrow his parents' car to drive to the conference; the parking lot was always crowded with other music educators attending the conference (and actually taking part in the sessions) so finding a space was difficult. Finding a space close to the door was impossible. 

This guy had no worries, however; his parents had a handicapped tag, so he would park close to the door, run in and snack away on whatever was being given away that day. Life is good!


Anonymous said...

What a gem. Guess he signed up because you get summers off?

Anonymous said...

That picture is awesome.

And this is why I like going places with my mom and letting her drive.